Monday, November 12, 2007

Fonts Are They Really Important?

Fonts Are They Really Important?

By Vickie J Scanlon

Are your fonts important? Yes, your fonts are important. If you are a newbie wanting to build a website-you may care less what font you use. You’re even probably thinking- a font is a font-let’s just make it look nice. That may be fine if you are designing it for a brochure that will appear on paper-but not on the web. The printed word (paper) to that of the printed word (online) - do not abide by the same rules.

On the web, a wrong font can see your visitors quickly clicking away. Why? Readability or a lack thereof!

Fonts To Use

I have found that the most mentioned fonts that web designers suggest using are: Arial, Verdana, Georgia. Why? They are easier to read on computer screens with low resolutions.

Here was another mistake I made, I put my copy in Times Roman. What’s so bad about Times Roman? Times Roman is a great font and it offers a quality presentation and look, and you will notice that a lot of printed material is in Times Roman. But on the internet, Times Roman can really be hard to read. And as you know, if it’s hard to read-people click away.

Fonts that are unique or wild looking should not be used within the body of your content. Why? They distract the reader from the content. And if your visitors are distracted and cannot handle reading this creative endeavor, don’t be surprised that you will lose many visitors, and thus, possible sales.

Big Fonts and Color

Big fonts, color and bolding should help to emphasize your content. That does not mean you put your whole web page in a big font. Headings and small sections of content can be put in a larger size or a change in color, to help to emphasis a point or guide your visitor to something of importance. But too much of a good thing means a visitor has just clicked away.

To conclude, fonts are important to a website. So choose easily readable fonts to present your quality content. You'll keep visitors, and possibly make sales.

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