Your Website and Color By Vickie J. Scanlon
Choosing the correct color for your website is not as easy as you may think. And sometimes, your favorite color may not be appropriate for a website. Let me explain.
When I first started, I did not realize the importance of color. So, with my first attempt at creating my website, I put it in a nice medicinal yellow. Now, this color may have been appropriate for a site offering vitamins, supplements or even advise on medical issues, but for an affiliate info site that sold products and services for business - I think not.
That realization clearly came through when I ask for some of my friends opinion on the look of the site. I had a mixed bag of –crinkle faces, a nod and walk-away, and a no answer. From that initial, unenthusiastic response I knew that I was in deep trouble. So, I scrapped my design (If you could call it that) and, I went back to the drawing board. I must admit, even the thought of that first website, made me cringe.
What you should consider Your website should be easy on the eyes. So choosing colors are important, and should be relevant to the theme of your site, while making it easy for your visitor to read. So if you’re thinking about using dark backgrounds-you should have someone test how easy it is for him or her to read your content. Sometimes, these dark colors can be rather eye-bugging. So, if they jump back from the screen, or squint while trying to read your copy in all that darkness - that’s probably a good indication that you should scrape it and choose again. Not only do you have to consider color for readability but also for mood.
Listed below are different colors with the mood or actions that they can convey.Red - Shows action, energy, strength and passion. Red is a good color for a call-to-action.
Pink - romance and a feminine appeal.
Green - Money, wealth, calm, hope.
Orange - Health, vitality, youthfulness
Yellow - light, pure, sunshine and warmth.
Purple - creativity, royalty and richness.
Brown - stability
Blue – Can give you two different sets of mood: confidence, wealth and power; or calm and dependability.
Grey - security and reliability
Black - Sophistication, serious, classy, power
White - In most case, purity and peace in most cases. But in some cultures, it can represent death and sorrow.
To conclude, choose your colors carefully, creating the right mood for the right niche can keep your visitors happy and clicking.