Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Snoopware and Your Internet Experience

Snoopware and Your Internet Experience

How can snoopware affect your Internet experience? Be aware that maybe, just maybe, you may have “Snoopware” on your computer or your mobile units – for the purpose of keeping track of your activities. Let me explain.

Snoopware –Explained
Snoopware is software that offers spyware and keylogger activities. Can be used as follows:

· It can be used by corporations for the purpose of monitoring employee activities while on the computer.
· It can be used by parents to monitor there children activities
· Or by spouses to monitor their spouse’s activities online
· Can be used by hackers for keylogging (records your keystrokes) and spying

How Snoopware Works
Snoopware can be run undetected in stealth mode recording silently your keystrokes, as well as, spying on your activity online. Some programs will send an email of your activities to the individual doing the snooping-supplying them with information and/or screen shots of the pages you’re viewing. Translated, they do not have to be present to review the activity.

Working on the Internet opens you up to new challenges-good and bad. So the bottom line is simple-be aware and stay informed. And make sure you take the time to protect yourself while online.

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