Monday, February 18, 2008

Linking Rules of the Big Three

Linking Rules of the Big Three
By Vickie J. Scanlon

Anyone with a website, is always looking for ways to get the search engines to their sites, as well as, get people to their pages. What there is talk on occasion about “cloaking”. Do you know what it is? And is it something to consider, or not to consider?

Cloaking-What is It?
Cloaking what is it? It is a "technique" used by which a website delivers one page to the search engines for indexing, while delivering a page to everyone else.

Does Google Approve?
Google doesn't like cloaking because it spams their crawler. Nor does Google like paid links because of their emphasis on links as a quality indicator. Google's solution is to simply-disallow paid links and punish the sites that disregard their rules by either penalizing or booting them from the index.

Does MSN Approve?
MSN on the other hand, doesn't disallow the practice and state it is more of a gray area. Everyone should do a brake on the "gray area". What does that really say? I don't like it, and soon we may put the brakes to the practice as well. Just give us time.

Does Yahoo Approve?
Nope. If you're caught cloaking your ranking is dropped like a hot potato.

My advise, go with the rules of the big gun "Google" whether you like the rules or not. Because what I have found is-what Google puts into place, soon the others will follow. And I have to ask you-do you want to be indexed by Google or not?

About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at:
for free tools, articles, ebooks, affiliate opportunities, products and services, and how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer. Catch all her articles on her blog- My Affiliate Place Blog.

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