Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Link Bait-What is it?

Link Bait-What is it?
By Vickie J. Scanlon

If you’re new to the Internet, you’ve probably have seen or come across in your reading about the importance of “Link Bait”. But what exactly is link bait.

Link baiting is the creation of an article that is unique or interesting that people, because of it’s content, want to link too.

Grabbing the Reader

Here are some different ways to possibly grab a reader: News, Attack, Informational, Humor and Tools.

News- News is news unless you can put a different twist on the article.

Attack– This is a mean-spirited personal attack on a person or about a product. Just by the nature of the attack you can understand the stir that it can cause. However, you definitely have to have a tough skin approach to the backlash you may stir up.

Informational– An informational article may summarize a bunch of information for it readers into a meaningful way, per the writer’s own observations or interpretation.

Humor – I ‘ve seen many blogs do this. It’s jokes, funny pictures, funny stories-which may hit the funny bone of some and thus, elicit a link.

Tools – Create a tool that people find useful.

Link bait, can be a good white hat tactic if you make it fun, informative, or creative, with an emphasis on quality. I’m sure many don’t even think of an article as link-bait when they are writing their article. In most cases, they are looking at giving their readers quality content, be it informative, fun or creative in nature.

About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at:
for tools, ebook reviews, computers, security software and products for business, and how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer. Catch all her articles on her blog- My Affiliate Place Blog.

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