Friday, January 8, 2010

To Punt a Cat or Not to Punt to a Cat?

To punt or not to punt, that is the question! I get this question a lot, is it better to have a well rounded team or is it better to just punt some areas and try to dominate other areas? The short answer is yes. Yes it’s better to have a well rounded team; yes it’s sometimes better to just punt certain categories. One thing you’ve gotta realize is that no matter which strategy you follow, you’re always going to be punting at least one category. Chances are pretty high that if you win your league you’ve also got a pretty low score in turnovers. That’s why turnovers is such an important category, it’s nearly impossible to do well there if you’re doing well elsewhere. But is there an advantage to one of these strategies over the other?
Yes, no matter how you cut it, in basketball, whether you play ROTO or H2H, it’s always better to play for a well rounded team than to play for 5 or 6 categories. I’m going to talk a little statistics here so if I bore you I’m sorry, but it’s integral to learning why one is better than the other. Let’s say you have a three category league: points, rebounds, assists. You’ve decided to embark on a strategy of going after just point and boards and ‘punt’ assists (to those who don’t know the lingo, to ‘punt’ means you just effectively give up the category. So you have this team and they average say 20 points per game, 10 rebounds and 2 assists. Now suppose the teams you play against all have well rounded squads, and they each average 17 points per game, 8 rebounds and 5 assists. You win every game, right? 

Wrong. See there’s something called a standard deviation. Standard deviation is a way to determine the range around the average you can expect a certain amount of time. For points, the standard deviation is about 5. This means that roughly 70% of the time (to any math geeks, I’m using rounded numbers here) your team will score between 15 and 25 points per game. The standard deviation on rebounds is about 2.5, so again 70% of the time they’re pulling down between 7.5 and 12.5 rebounds, you get where I’m going here? For assists it’s about 2.8, which means you’re going to score between 0 and 4.8. Now of course the same numbers affect your opponent too, but nonetheless you can see that by only going after a limited number of categories, we are reducing our chances either for the season (in ROTO) or per week (in H2H).
The only way we can give ourselves the best opportunity to win is to try and be competitive in every category (even turnovers, though this is futile). You can see that after factoring in the standard deviations to both teams, the guy who is well rounded is much more likely to pick up either points or rebounds to beat you, then you are to pick them both up to beat him (cause you have no real shot at assists. If you’ve taken the strategy to punt, don’t panic, there’s more.
In my example, I said everyone went for a well rounded team. This is generally not the case, and it’s more likely that at least a few other teams have gone the punt route. In this situation, you stand a very good chance of beating them, and a halfway chance of beating the rounded teams, and thus have a shot at the playoffs or the title. Also, the less categories you decide to punt, the better chance you have at winning too. This is why the Team Analyzer is so important; you need to know where you really stand. If you are going to punt some cats are dominate in others, you had best REALLY dominate in them to give yourself a good shot. This means entering a season with that particular strategy in mind, and executing it from day one to the end. Be consistent, stay focused, execute.
During the 2009 baseball season one of my league members decided he was going to ‘punt’ starting pitching and just go for hitting. He drafted all top hitters and then went after a couple closers and left starting pitching for the very end. His team dominated for the first half of the year. Then for some unknown reason he deviated from this scheme and went for a big trade sending a solid hitter away (Matt Holliday) for a stellar starting pitcher (Chris Carpenter). This was devastating as he quickly started dropping in the rankings almost immediately. After about 4 weeks he reversed course and dealt the pitcher for a solid hitter and resumed his climb. He ended up winning the league last year.
Did he win because he punted categories? No. Will I win my basketball league this year because I have a well rounded team? No. In the end, we both entered the season with a solid winning strategy, then worked to execute it from day one to the end. If you choose to punt, the road is tougher, but it can be done. If you choose to be well rounded, the road is easier, but not infallible. In either case, you need to know what you’re going to do before you draft, then work that angle and keep working it throughout the season. The guy who tries to make a mid season shift out of panic because of his position (really guys, we haven’t even hit all-Star break or the Trade Deadlines, WAY to early to panic) is the guy destined to lose.

We don’t panic here (most of the time lol). We don’t let a bad month or a bad stretch or a bad start shift our strategy. We stay focused, we continue to execute, and we dominate.


  1. Yo thief. I need serious help. One manager wants this kind of trade:

    I give Bosh and Rondo.
    I get CP3 and someone.


    I give Bosh, Rondo and D. Lee.
    I get CP3, someone and someone.

    Now who should I get?

    His team:
    Allen (he doesn't want to give)
    J.R. Smith
    S-jax (he doesn't want to give also)
    Rasual Butler
    C. Lee

    My team:
    D. Lee
    M. Gasol


  2. Love it Baku, get Lewis, do not give up lee. If he won't do Lewis, move to hedo.

  3. Haha! I hear you there thief. After just inking that deal I recently asked you about. Now I have S-Jax & Ariza lol. I thought I would be punting FG%.

    However, since I stole P. Gasol & Terry I figured I still have a lot of hope because I have other big men to help alleviate my FG% woes(B. Lopez,Thompson,Hibbert,Frye,and Dirk.)

    My next question is should I be trying to sell Gallo high for a solid player with great FG% or just stay put and soak in the newfound stats?

  4. All yeah my updated sauce(with Pau,S-Jax, and JET)
    3PG .026
    BPG .036


    A lot better now.

  5. So it's not a coincidence that I'm in 1st place for my league but last in turnovers? haha

    Great post Thief. Honestly, I decided to punt TO's very early. I had to because my best players were turning the ball over ALLOT. (Wade, Iggy, Lopez, etc). After TO's i'm leading in 5 out of 9 cat's, 2nd in another & competetive in the remaining 2. This has lead me to first place so far. We shall see how it all turns out. Love hte blog.

  6. Dip, great deal INK IT BRO!

    Qwan, lookin good playa, I def think you should sell off Gallo, great time to do so, maybe try to net Al Jeff too?

    J, lol, yeah I'd be shocked if someone ever won a league and won TO's, that'd b a miracle.

  7. Quick trade question:

    First, my team sauce:
    FG%: 0.483
    FT%: 0.792 (green)
    PTs: 15.602
    REB: 6.017
    AST: 2.620 (red)
    STL: 1.064
    TO: 0.478
    BPG: 0.863 (green)
    3PG(not useful, since we use 3PT% instead)

    This is not confirmed or even offered yet, but I give:
    Chris Kaman, Eric Gordon

    and get:
    Deron Williams, Hedo Turkoglu

  8. Bro, that's such nasty thievin it'll make him poop his pants. INK IT!

  9. Thief what do i do with this team? they need a a drastic makeover!! There are some good free agents so i need to work on a few 2 for 1s. Need some ideas?

  10. heres that teams over unders scary i know

  11. thief, i decided to not punt and just be balanced. i have fought against the top 1 team in my league and i am just number ten. he punts the assists and steals to focus on points. after the week, we ended up tying, 5 cats for me, 5 cats for him. what does that mean? should i improve my team?

    i know ya know me bro. i am the guy who has so many inactive co-owners.. haha, mah league is really funny.. i cannot execute thievin moves because my players become cold again and i do not have a chance anymore. it's so funny.

    that's all bro.. PEACE!

  12. Dan, work Wilson Chandler with Trevor Ariza, Wilson is super hot and Ariza is a must sell. Try for a mid tier PG like Williams or Rondo, or even Mayo

    JB, he won't last

  13. well, what format is better. roto or h2h?

  14. JB, I like H2H but ONLY if you get the scoring to be a win - loss - tie format. I.E. at weeks end, you're either 1-0 or 0-1 ya know. I HATE that STUPID finish a week 7 - 6 or whatever.

  15. ahh.. like how the presidents are elected in america. am i right?

  16. well thief, how many number of teams do you advice to me when i join a league? got it?

  17. Im gonna try to get one of those pgs ill keep you posted. now in my other league i had propsed melo ariza ty thomas and bogut for deron amare and brand he said hed do itnow hes sayin he wans to keep amare, only other player i think he has of value is gay. so do i do deal without amare?? I dont think im to eagar with out amare buy gay is good.

  18. no thief i was saying how many teams in a league? 20 team,14,10 ,8 etc.. got it now.. i'll try to have 2 teams next year..

  19. Dan, no way, not without amare

    JB, AHA! I got ya now! I like 16 myself, split up into 4 divisions of 4 for Baseball and Football, for basketball I do 12 team roto cause they don't have the right H2H setting in yahoo yet

  20. ok.. i'll get 16 or 14 team next year and one 20 team.i love having garbage players. i like starting from a scratch then i will be bigger and bigger.

    but i feel 16 team has a balanced wire and players, right? not too many talents in the wire and not too many garbages in the roster..

  21. I got him to give me it amare deron and brand for my melo ariza bogut and thomas!! Now i just need to work on my other team.

  22. nobody wants shaq. what do you think about him? hold on or drop to waivers?

    also, what do you think about this trade thief? -my gallinari + david west for his boozer + vince carter

    Fg: .475 (.244)
    Ft: .780 (-.002)
    ppg: 14.110 (.292) green
    rpg: 5.525 (.134)
    apg: 3.23 (-.729) red
    spg: .952 (-.849) red
    to's: .567 (-.008)
    3pg: .910 (-.169)
    bpg: .672 (-.020)

    my team:
    j terry
    j crawford
    mike miller
    d west
    al horford
    rip hamilton
    thanks a lot

  23. I had offered this trade earlier:

    I give Horford + Eric Gordon
    and get Deron Williams + Turkoglu

    He said he's 90% ok but feels he needs slightly more value. I could throw in one other guy from my team, but dunno who. Any suggestions? Here's my team. I'm thinking CDR, but he's been busy sucking rat balls the last 3 games.

    Ty Thomas
    Blake Griffin
    Ant Rand
    Eric Gordon
    Chris Douglas-Roberts

    Should I still go for it?

  24. Yo thief!
    Should I start worrying about Brook Lopez's lack of production right now?

    I have been ignoring Yi's emergence thinking it was just a fluke. However, it is become very apparent that Lopez is in a funk and Yi is just stealing my man's thunder.

    Should I just deal him off before the situation ballons into a problem?

    This is something for a lot of people to think about as well.

  25. JB, right

    Dan, NICE!!!!

    Rax, LOVE that deal. Yeah I have no opinion of shaq, he's old and plays 20 MPG, he's a guy I avoided.

    Qwan, I don't think so. It's a nice 'storyline' that Yi has stolen his thunder, but it's not likely the truth. The guy has a ton of talent, he just needs to iron out the slump.

  26. Sick digs Dan! And you rid yourself of the cursed Ariza in the mix. Definitely nice thievin!

  27. Thanx guys prob gonna scoop perkins off the wire once trade goes thru.

  28. yo thief, vince carter just got injured in the game tonight?

    anyone know the details about this so i know whether or not to pull the trigger on the trade?

  29. I dont know much on carter but it was his shoulder
    On another note Rafer started for the heat tonight.

  30. thief ilyasova did a 13 point,11 rebound,3 treys today. should i trade him for mike miller or should i get more or should i get less than that? got it?

  31. Rax, doesn't look too bad. Nothing serious

    Jb, I'd toss him for Miller, def.

  32. Any word on my earlier question, thief?

  33. Spanyam, how'd I miss you there? Hey I got your email, sorry I didn't respond but this is def the best way to get to me. I think you could add Tyrus Thomas to this deal and INK IT. Love to see you getting Deron bro, nice thieve.

    JB, YUP

  34. how bout him and jermaine for ilyasova for jeff green?

  35. JB, wait you give or get Jeff Green?

  36. i'll get jeff green.. can i pull it bro?

  37. YUP, nice deal, very nice deal!

  38. well, if i can pull it i'll report it to you immediately!

  39. well, for you who's greater, beasley or green?

  40. Thief what do you think of dropping jr for kenyon?

  41. or for bibby , JO, ai , or hibbert?

  42. I'd probably go for Hibbert, my latest post (reagrding the value of blocks) will explain why
