Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Now Introducing: Thief Nation!!

Scroll to the bottom of the site, any page, and welcome yourself to Thief Nation. A centralized forum, moderated by yours truly, where we can all discuss the latest news, injuries, trades, and where you can find leagues to play in or members for your own league.

To join, just register and subscribe.


Takin ALL our games to tha next level!


  1. BTW, in the 2-1 trade that I mentioned in my last post to your "Playing For More Than First Place" entry I've offered:
    Danilo Gallinari and Stephen Curry for Paul Pierce. Good idea?

    And, also - Yay! My "Tyreke Evans + J.R. Smith for Pau Gasol" offer just got accepted and now I'm just waiting with bated breath for our league commissioner to approve it and hoping no one else picks up M.Miller before he does...

  2. ah signed up but apparently you have to approve users for the forum? seems a bit inconvenient and and silly lol (signed up as appaero)

  3. how do you get a password for the Team Analyzer

  4. Lol, sorry Kermit, it's needed cause of the software.

  5. Hey thief can i get the password so i can input my team. I am looking to upgrade my team but i need to know where

  6. Thief, I'm awaiting confirmation of the request I sent for the forums! This is going to be awesome!

    Who should I drop for Foye or should I stick with who I have?

    Tony Parker
    Kevin Martin
    Paul Pierce
    Pau Gasol
    Andrew Bynum
    Brandon Roy
    Jason Kidd
    Lamarcus Aldridge
    Andrea Bargnani
    Rudy Gay
    Mike Miller
    Jose Calderon
    Michael Redd

  7. how my team look. Its a 10 team h2h league

    deron william
    nate robinson
    yi jianlan
    zack randolph
    channing frye
    devin harris
    al jefferson
    brook lopez
    russell westbrook
    aaron brooks
    brandon jennings
    jason thompson
    lou williams

  8. watsup299, go back a few posts and find out how to get the password. It's only 4-5 posts back...

    Then give the thief your sauce and he will lead you to victory!

  9. so i have to approve users and how do i do that

  10. Not sure what you mean by "approve users"...

  11. you said go back 4-5 posts to find how how to get a password and you said
    ah signed up but apparently you have to approve users for the forum? seems a bit inconvenient and and silly lol (signed up as appaero)

  12. i get: monta and camby

    i give: rondo and murphy

    i need pts and blcks, and im rlly good in ast. nash, iggy, jj, felton, (id get monta), josh smith, hinrich, id prolly pick up boykins. so with that all in mind, wat wud u say?

  13. Should I drop Chalmers forAlston "immediately"?
    I can wait for a while
    but I dont like Alston terrible FG%

    Can Alston get 30+ minutes?
    They have many guys can play PG...
    Arroyo Chalmers Wade and Alston

  14. thief i think i got the trade. if i can pull it off, should i pull the trigger?

    my rudy gay brook lopez and calderon
    amare roy and stephen jackson

    chris paul, devin harris. calderon, nate rob
    jason richardson, oj mayo
    rudy gay josh smith rashard lewis
    brook lopez andrea barnagni joakim noah luis scola


    threes .91
    points 15.67
    bounds 5.97
    dimes 3.62
    steals 1.09
    blocks .8

  15. Hey thief,

    Decent line by Foye tonight, 18 pts, 2 reb, 2 asts in 26 minutes, good call. This new idea looks great, I'll keep you informed on whatever Toronto news we get up in Canada here.

    So here is what my team is like right now.
    Pts - 0.172 - yellow
    Reb - 0.486 - green
    Ast - 0.106 - yellow
    Stl - 0.068 - yellow
    TO's - -0.018 - yellow
    3pg - -0.106 - yellow
    Blk - 0.038 Yellow
    Oreb - 0.151 yellow
    Dreb - 0.456 green

    My team is ,
    Kevin Love
    Jameer Nelson
    Raymond Felton
    Luis Scola
    Mehmet Okur
    Marc Gasol
    Wilson Chandler
    Al Thornton
    Udonis Haslem

    I'm trying to get rid of Perkins because technicals are counted in this league and he's picking up too many for my liking. I'm also looking to sell chandler because NY has 2 games in the semi week and 3 games in the final week of this league. I've got first place by about 15 games right now so I'm looking towards the playoffs now.

    I offered chandler and perkins for okafor and stojakovic he declined.

    His team is harris, bryant, hamilton, mo williams, maggette, duncan, anthonty parker, stojakovic, boozer, okafor, ilgauskas, josh smith, andre miller, tyson chandler and roy hibbert.

    Do you see anythinng else that may entice him at all.

    The FA wire is very thin. Casspi is about all thats left out there.


    Adam H

  16. AYOOOOOO - what a friggin awesome Celtics game! Booyahhhhh!! Sorry, was outtie at the bah watching my boy Rondo tie it up in Reg. Sick Nasty!!

  17. Senn, Foye doesn't belong on your squad.

    Wassap, you good now?

    Lucky, my boy rondo rules, especially after tonight, but I don't fall in love with players, so INK IT BRUTHA!

  18. Scola, really? You're the guy out there still holding Chamlmers>? Cut bait bro, Skip to my Lou (Rafer Alston) is much much better.

    Dip, INK ITTT!

    Adam, good lookin out. Why ask for Peja too? Just ask for Okafor. And is Rafer on your FA wire, he's a hot grab!

  19. hey thief,

    i'm trying to get kobe and duncan. i'd give up:

    2 of 3 of in roy, granger, g. wallace, and then tack on a third of wilson chandler/yi-jialian.

    is this thievin?

  20. What up Thief? I just got offered a trade. I get D Harris and P Gasol for Bryant. What do you think I should do? His other notables are Durant, J Johnson, and D Lee. This is a h2h 10 person league, currently first.
    pts; 16.4
    reb 6.5
    ast 3.3
    spg 1.17
    tos .484
    3pg .806
    bpg .689

    I like my team a lot right now, but I can always improve. This guy just really wants bryant. Any ideas???
    p.s. I really like the new look of the site!! kudos

  21. Sorry, I forgot to list my team above. Thanks in advance..


  22. sorry thief, i was also just thinking about doing trying to get duncan for wallace + chandler/jialian.

    i think maybe going for kobe and duncan together's a lot.

  23. Which one of these guys is the best pickup right now:

    Boykins/Foye/Alston/Ilyasova ?



  24. hey thief i have now idea how to get a password so i can analyze my team, I have already subscribed. So how do i get a password

  25. Thief strictly value wise: should I deal Alston and Foye for CDR?

  26. should i need to offer cp3 right now? he's scoring is quite low..

  27. Hey Thief,

    What is your view on Carl Landry? Should I ride out his incredible FG% + FT% + reasonable points or should I sell high on him?


  28. Hey Thief, it's bandoogie again. I know I'm a total pest. I am close to hammering out a deal for GWall. His owner wants BD and C. Butler. I am going to try to counter with BD and AI for GWall, and if that doesn't work, then I was thinking of offering BD & C. Butler for his GWall and Andre Miller. As of today, Calderon is still on waivers, but don't know how long that will last. That is why I'm trying to hammer out this deal by midnight tonight. And of course, the guy holding Garnett is still open to a straight swap for BD, so that's still something I can also consider. What do you think? Here's my over/under numbers:

    FG%: 0.466
    FT%: 0.716
    PPG: 0.621
    RPG: 0.063
    APG: 0.083
    SPG: 0.419
    TO's: -0.163
    3PG: 0.141
    BPG: -0.279

    Thanks again!!

  29. hi, i'm in a 10team 9cat league.i was in first place 3 wks ago, but am now tied in second 4.5 games back. my trade of me getting j.johnson/b.griffin for b.davis/m.camby.what ya think?
    now i'm being offered d.harris/melo/l.aldridge for iguadala/z.randolph/j.johnson
    should i accept or make a counter offer?PLZ HELP
    the rest of my team:
    his remaining players:
    d.howard j.howard
    j. nelson
    my sauce #'s are:
    pts -.44
    reb +1.03
    treys -.34
    st -.05
    bl +.07

  30. i forgot to enter my bench players that regularly ro tate in:
    how long before griffin plays?
    thanks ahead for your help

  31. Hey guys, sorry I missed all these. Wicked busy setting up that forum and whatnot. I'll do my best to hit at em throughout the day, thanks!

  32. bandoogie take garnet for b.davis, i would in a heartbeat, and i started with bd on all 4 of my teams, i love the guy, but a good trade is a good trade.
    thats my opinion any how

  33. one more question, should i drop g.arenas?

  34. Thief!

    I just traded Jennings for Nelson straight up....your thoughts? I think I robbed him....the rookie wall is just around the corner.

  35. Po, nice deal.

    Bando, hold off, I'm hearing bad developments for Garnett. Will investigate further.

  36. Thief, your boy Big Lil is trying to work the trade lines frantically in my league but I have a bunch non trading chumps. Three owners have 2 god players that I want Nowitzki and M Gasol or K. Durant and T. Murphy or C. Bosh and D. Williams. Should I give up G. Wallace and J. Johnson to get any of these guys? I have 4 of Rotos top five players. The only one I am missing is Jamison and the owner will not part with him. I am hesitant to give up G. Wall. What do you think? I also have Wade, Pierce, David West, D. Harris and J Rich, but I am not sure who I want to give up at this point. Your thoughts? I nee the rebounds G Wall gives, but he has hit a little bit of a wall on the rebounding.

  37. plz answer my questions from earlier, PLZ. i have a trade waiting on yor answer.

  38. CJ, take out Iggy and put in Gallo and see if he bites. I like that a LOT better. The other trade WHOLLY depends on what we (you AND me) get out of Blake Griffin. I have high hopes. Sorry for the delayed response, been setting up the forum.

  39. Okay, I will hold off on the Garnett angle(I would never take advice from a cowboys fan :), I am still looking to GWall then as I need some boards. I am interested in seeing how Butler performs with Arenas out of the way though. I am thinking this will mean more production for him and Jamison. Arenas' owner took Calderon off the waivers, so that's no longer an option. Which if any of these potentials should I look to/offer?

    1. BD & AI for GWall
    2. C. Butler for GWall
    3. BD & C. Butler for GWall & Andre Miller
    4. BD for Z. Randolph
    5. same as #3, but then follow that up with Miller for Jason Thompson
    6. Wait it out for at least a game and see how Butler performs before moving forward with a trade involving him?
    7. Look for boards elsewhere

  40. THief I am putting together a run here of trades that a thief would love. I first got Redd for N. Robinson. My whole league cried foul play, their fault for not making moves. So I hit em right back and got Bargnani for Ariza, take dat boys. I remember your sell high on Ariza piece, solid piece. He jsut hit 4 3's last night also. Big Lil is Big pimpin the trade market. I am now in third place in my league. Have you heard anything new on Garnett? The guy in my league wants to get rid of him and I can get him at Walmart prices. I also want to deal David West, he is way to inconsitent. Who should I try to get for him?

  41. Oh, yeh I need boards and assists for sauce. I got the other cats looking pretty good.
