Friday, January 8, 2010

How To Earn Money Blogging Without Writing

One of the many benefits the Internet offers business owners is the ability to outsource your day to day activities. In this article we will take a look at how you can use outsourcing to earn money blogging without writing a single word yourself.

Today's economy is driving many people online looking for ways to make money. Blogs have created an opportunity for people to make money writing. This also creates an opportunity for you to make money as a blogger using these talented writers.    Blog writers will work for a relatively small amount of money per article. We are talking about articles as low as $5-$10 for 300 words or more.

The way that you earn money without writing yourself is to start blogs in various niches and then pay writers to create content for them. This still requires you to master a couple of skills yourself.

1. You must take niches where people are actively involved in spending money online.

2. You need to target keyword phrases in your blog articles for your writers that search engines will find attractive.

3. You should social bookmark your blog articles to the top social directories which will serve as search engine bait for future high rankings.

By being in quality niches, and targeting the right keyword phrases, your writers can provide content that brings readers and search engines to your blog. There is a skill to this and most Internet marketers never properly learn how to do it.

The final point we need to make is about how to make money from this process. The easiest way to do that is to monetize your blog with affiliate products relating to the theme of it.

You can add affiliate banners to the header, footer, and sidebar of your blog. These serve the purpose of making your blog seem livelier as well as creating potential income for you.

The affiliate banners are coded with your affiliate ID number so whenever your visitor clicks on the banner, and purchases from your affiliate website, you make money.

You can also earn money from your blog by adding Google Adsense advertisers to it. This is very easy to do for most blogging platforms including WordPress and

One final strategy to earn money blogging without writing is to hyperlink keyword phrases in the text of the articles your writers are writing for you. Link directly to your affiliate sales pages and make money when somebody makes a purchase.

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