Friday, August 14, 2009

Type in Indian Languages, anywhere…

Now, you can type in Indian Languages, any where over internet, like creating a message, writing an email or while using Gtalk. Google Translation team has come up with easy to use bookmarklets, based on Google Translation API. Supported languages include Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

It is very easy to use a bookmarklet, just drag and drop it to bookmarking bar, like shown here

 Creating a bookmarklet

Now, whenever you will click this bookmarklet, all text box on that page will be able to accept input in your language. You can use any of following links to get their bookmarklets-

Arabic bookmarklet
Bengali bookmarklet
Gujarati bookmarklet
Hindi bookmarklet
Kannada bookmarklet
Malayalam bookmarklet
Marathi bookmarklet
Nepali bookmarklet
Punjabi bookmarklet
Tamil bookmarklet
Telugu bookmarklet
Urdu bookmarklet

For Hindi Bookmarklet, drag this link - [अ Type in Hindi].

You can find some more bookmarklets, in above mentioned links. Here is a screenshot, how I used it on Facebook

Facebook hindi

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