Thursday, August 13, 2009

Keep An Eye On Your Tweets

You are running a site and you want to know all those people who are linking to your site and are constantly tweeting your website. With BackTweets you can easily monitor all those who are linking to your site. How can these be helpful to you ?


Well here are the answers :

  • Connect With Your Fans: Now if you know who are the ones who are tweeting your posts, you can easily start building a relations with them. Connecting with your fans is the most important step i the success of your site.
  • Monitor Your Posts : You can easily monitor your posts and optimize them. If you know all the hit topics of your site, then you should start concentrating on that particular topic theme.
  • Ability To Search Keywords : With an ability to search for keywords, one can easily see if the topic that he is going to post is already tweeted or not.

BackTweets is developed by BackType which is a conversational search engine and index and connect millions of conversations from blogs, social networks and other social media so people can find, follow and share comments. BackType was founded in June, 2008 by Christopher Golda and Michael Montano.

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