Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mourning for the Google Cash System.

I was occupied doing something else during those glory days.

There are gigantic companies bidding on anything that moves & paying many thousands of greenbacks each month for number one lists.

Now Google will only list one ad for each domain name in any given set of results. I know you have heard that message one thousand times before. But the truth is if you select a little market you can target your product more exactly on your target audience. Definitely don't only send them mail when you have something to sell. One mistake new affiliates make time after time is thinking that their 'product' is the merchant's product. Whilst one can definitely view their business from this point of view, it places you in the mindset of 'pushing the link', instead of forming a relationship with possible clients. Super successful affiliates understand that their job isn't to sell, but to presell and their real product is content. However, there's a giant pool of future customers looking for info and doing research before they buy. To paraphrase, offer a place where folk can connect with their interests and with one another. If they were purchasers of the opening offering then upsell them on something bigger and more expensive. Never stop sending mail to your list and do not leave it so long between mails that they forget who you are. Com where you will find stories of the most recent online marketing products together with reviews, articles and free resources.
Affiliate asset management

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