Monday, March 2, 2009

Two Classic Blogging Income Mistakes and How to Overcome Them

Number One: Trying to have too many income streams too soon, from one blog.

Proof that I'm right:

Go to a prominent blogger's site, one who makes
a great income from their blog like Shoemoney, Steve Pavlina, or
Problogger. Do you see 16 different banners for Amazon, Barnes and
Noble, four different blog ad networks, Clickbank RSS Generated feeds
and Google AdSense? Do the pages seem cluttered to you?

Those cats have just a handful of income sources, usually just a
couple. If there's more than two they are spread out cleanly across
the page, not bundled up in one section.

The clicking process is like the buying process. People go into a type
of hypnosis when they're reading or browsing the web and decide to
follow a link. It's part of their stream of thought and they wander
off incidentally.

Which brings us to mistake Number Two.

Trying to sell even as few as two completely unrelated things from
your blog, whether it's your product, someone else's, or ads, is utter
nonsense. Go back to the basics.

Proof that I'm right:

Reference Ken Evoy or the late great Cory Rudl
or Michel Fortin.

In not as many words, they'll tell you that the focus of your site should
be on some narrow area. We all know that, it's basically common
knowledge, so why do we ignore that when it comes to the products we

Until you're a high traffic site, it's just not smart, and even at
that point, you'd make more money targeting narrowly.

Find out more about blogging and social media, and how it means an
increase in traffic, sales and leads at

Author of Tool Time Friday at Free Traffic Tip, aka, Increase Your Website Traffic.

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