Thursday, May 25, 2006

Podcasting--Let The Fun Begin

I've been looking more and more into Podcasting. Yeah, I know, I'm a little behind, because now they are beginning to Audio Cast. But what is right for your site, and your confidence, your time, and your pocketbook will probably determine whether it is audio or video.

I going to begin experimenting with podcasting, or at least the audio part on my site. I'm just pulling everything together and investigating it further. Here is an article on getting started on a Podcast of your own.

Podcasting Let the Experiments Begin
By Vickie J. Scanlon

As you know podcasting is simply an audio file that is placed on a website. If it is combined with an RSS file -- people can subscribe to your feed, and listen to your words of wisdom at their leisure. This is a good thing, it is getting your words -- your voice -- your identity to the masses.

Podcasting -- Getting Started
Publishing your podcast is simple as well -- look to Blogger, TypePad, and then use Feedburner to convert your podcast into a feed.

Simple Way to Make A Podcast
The simpliest way to get setup and to start experimenting with your own podcasting-- is to simply get a microphone and of course, free software from Audacity.

Okay, as we all know, not many are comfortable with hearing their own voice -- but hey, it's your voice -- and the voice allows your listeners to know that, yes, I am a real human, and not a machine.

Once done, you will need to upload your podcast onto your server. The only limitations I see would be how much, or little space, you have on your server-- as well as the bandwidth usage.

Submitting your Podcast to Feeds
To get your podcast out to the masses, you will need to hit the directories that cater to podcasting. Well, one of the quickest way to get this done, is through Feedburner. Just check the "Podcasting button" and you will be directed to a page with all the information you need. In fact, they have a site called "PingShot" that will automatically notify the directories and web-based aggregators when you publish new content -- I mention this one, because it is free. No sense, paying for something if you are in the experimental mode, right? But . . .

There is still a learning curve here, and you will need to take a little time to devour some of the info on the different sites to get the information you want, as well as, how to use it. But it looks like podcasting is now the in thing. Will it last? I think it may. But it looks like the next, new and great thing coming to the Internet is the Video Casts. The only thing I see that may keep some from partaking in this media is the bandwidth and storage. But we will see.

Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for tools, articles, ebooks, podcasting information, software, webhost providers, software and computers for the Afffiliate/Internet Marketing person online.

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